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LEMMA, INC. - The Client - Ed-Tech Mini-Hackathon

Lemma, Inc., a cloud-based content creation, learning, and assessment platform for the teaching of Mathematics. 


Prompt:  Improve existing design as students are having a hard time interacting with the current site


Feature:  Lessons and assignments


Audience:  Students - to learn math; Teachers - to teach math;

Administrators - evaluate both students and teachers


Challenge for the Mini Hackathon:  Design an effective and intuitive way for students to learn by starting, going over and completing a lesson


Expected Output / Deliverables:  Wireframe, clickable prototype


My Role: Research, Facilitation, Presentation


Team: Consisted of five ux design participants randomly chosen




Personal Summary

Alana is an extroverted and social high school algebra student 



Ability to ask questions about assignments

Understand how to navigate through new assignments, including lessons, worksheets, and videos

May not complete assignments in sequence or at one sitting



15 years old, Sophomore


High School Algebra Student

Location: Urban (Queens)


Pain Points

Missing parts of assignments

Not engaged

create a digital classroom environment where the subject is curated according to the student’s learning experience?



Initially, the biggest challenges were:

Navigating easily according to the student’s curiosity and ability to complete the classroom contents in a non-linear way


  1. Students either unable to or too frustrated or bored to finish their assignments and move onto the next lesson 

  2. Students get confused by the navigation through their lessons

  3. Students would benefit from all of the information being visibly accessible all the time


Success is…

The ability to show navigation between the student's chosen lesson, and the entire classroom learning environment in one clickable prototype





These were the insights we used to determine how we progressed.

  1. Students getting confused navigating through their lessons

  2. The students didn't finish their assignments and/or move onto another lesson

  3. Students would need all  relevant information to be easily accessible




The competitive analysis was done on other education websites such as Coursera, Udacity, and Khan Academy


We wanted to know how these online classrooms kept their student simultaneously focused on the task of completing the lesson and having the entire program readily available


We broke down the student's task:

Go to your lesson and complete all of the requirements of the assignment from your teacher​


Wireframe Screen 1
Wireframe Screen 2
Wireframe Screen 3
Wireframe Screen 4





During the team's very short testing phase, we learned that the design for the student's user flow should be very simple to understand and very simple to move from one area to another. 


We learned that this website will be an ongoing process that needs to be revisited and refined as we collect user feedback.



Based on our experience and the ongoing evolution of the product we recommend the following:

To understand the overall information architecture of this learning site, the team may need another round of broad qualitative research.


While we looked at what students will do about a particular lesson or type of lesson on the site, we may need to know what drives them to continue and complete a lesson vs lesson abandonment.  

  • The team will need to gauge the effectiveness of this design by testing with the students who will use this site

  • We need to test different ways of keeping the student user on the site so that they complete the lesson. Perhaps add more engaging content to capture the student's interest 

  • Next round of usability testing should be done as a hi-fi prototype with specific lessons specific to the students

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