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Walkability for Seniors

Service Design Case Study

Project Overview
WanderRest Service Case Study


WandeRest is a service design project focused on improving walkability for seniors aged 65+ in urban environments. The service helps seniors locate nearby rest spaces, making walking safer and more enjoyable. This project was developed through user research, ideation, and testing, with insights gathered from seniors and businesses.  


Researcher and UX Designer


Ankit Jain, Jessica Mirshak, Veronica Paz Soldan, Carol-Anne Ryce-Paul, Kerry-Anne G. Ryce-Paul, Amy Sit, Tina Tomljenovic


The Challenge
Urban environments can be challenging for seniors, particularly those with mobility issues. Lack of accessible rest areas discourages walking, affecting seniors' physical health and social well-being. WandeRest aims to provide an easy-to-use service that helps seniors find safe, nearby rest spots during their walks.

Key Issues Identified

  • Inadequate number of rest spaces

  • Lack of awareness of available rest areas

  • Difficulties with accessing information on-the-go

  • Fear of walking long distances due to limited stamina

Senior walking on the street


User Research
We conducted seven interviews and two observations to understand the needs of seniors and the challenges they face while walking. Interview participants included seniors, a physical trainer, and a home health aide.


Key Insights

  • Seniors prioritize walkability and safety.

  • They often avoid long walks due to a lack of resting points.

  • An accessible, user-friendly service could encourage more frequent walks.

Interviewing Seniors Photo
Key Moments in The Process Diagram


Persona Creation
We developed three personas—Sarah, Monica, and Jerry—based on their walking habits and needs. Monica was selected as the primary persona to focus on due to her mobility challenges and frequent walks out of necessity.


  • Age: 76

  • Mobility: Limited, relies on nearby rest areas

  • Primarily a Walker: Walks for errands, lacks access to a car

Monica Photo
Meet The Monica Persona


Design Thinking Workshops
We facilitated workshops and exercises to define user groups and brainstorm solutions. These workshops helped us narrow down the core service features, focusing on ease of use and accessibility.

Walkability Research User Facilitation Presentation

Service Concept
WandeRest integrates a digital map and physical markers, allowing seniors to quickly find rest spaces while walking. The service includes:

  • An app with a user-friendly interface

  • Physical signage in urban areas

  • Partnerships with local businesses to offer seating

Service Design Thinking Board

The team collected insights from the facilitated workshops and investigated initiatives already improving walkability for seniors in urban environments. 

WandeRest Inspirations


We continued facilitating workshops with our seniors to prototype developed concepts, such as a low-fidelity (guided role-play walkthrough experience), which we tested with seniors, and a low-fidelity (guided mobile app prototype—business view experience) of the app, which we tested with local businesses to refine their user experience.

Business Prototype to Test
Business Prototype to Test
Business Prototype to Test


Testing Insights

  • Users appreciated the simplicity and clarity of the interface.

  • The map feature needed clearer visual cues for rest areas.

  • Adding voice assistance was suggested for users with visual impairments.

  • Business users liked the ability to adjust availability when necessary.

Case Study User Insights
Case Study Business Insights


The next version of WandeRest should incorporate user feedback and features:

  • Interactive Map: Shows nearby rest areas with accessible routes.

  • Rest Area Signage: Physical markers in urban areas guide users to rest spots.

  • Business Partnerships: Local businesses provide resting spaces in exchange for promotion on the app.

WandeRest Flow For Seniors
WandeRest Business Sticker
WandeRest Business Sticker


Core Service

  • WandeRest App Base functionality with rest space identification.
  • User Data Insights into walking patterns and preferences.

Expansion Opportunities

  • Partnerships Collaborations with healthcare providers and urban planners.

  • New Features Integrations like health monitoring or social walking events.


  • Municipalities Integrate WandeRest into local and national urban planning initiatives.

  • Non-Profits AARP promoting WandeRest for senior wellness.

  • Startups Innovation in services for senior adults.

Potential Impacts

  • User Well-Being Improved health and socialization for seniors.

  • Community Engagement Stronger community bonds through shared walking experiences.

  • Business Growth Scalable model with potential for global expansion.

Why WandeRest Matters
WanderRest Key Goals to KPI


WandeRest has received positive feedback from seniors, who would feel more confident and safe using the app while walking.


The project has opened up opportunities to partner with city planners, local and international senior advocacy groups and non-profits, and health organizations to enhance urban walkability for seniors further.

Next Steps

  • Expand WandeRest to more cities

  • Continue gathering user feedback to refine the service

  • Explore additional features like emergency alerts and community engagement.

Key Learnings
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